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Show vs Tell: A Guide To Writing

The phrase is everywhere. A simple Google search of 'How To Write A Book' will result in thousands of pages popping up in reference to it.What is it? The all cryptic, all powerful, Showing vs. Telling.If you happen to be a budding author, then you've most certainly heard the term. Hell, you've probably read blog after blog, and article after article, that attempted to explain what it means, what it should look like, and how to execute it.But you've probably...

The Dreaded Query: Part Three

Resolution. A decision, mental state,  or determination to resolve.Resolve. To convert or transform by any process, through firmness of intent.Where is your book going? How does your protagonist develop? How will the conflict be righted?These are the questions you should ask yourself as you begin to write the third and final part of your query body.Let's re-cap the three elements to a successful query.The Hook - Why should the reader (in this case the agent) read on?The Conflict - What...